Capturing the Fleeting Moments: Why Timing is Crucial in Maternity and Newborn Photography by Edwardsville Photographer Conner James Photography

It seems that more and more these days, there isn’t enough time in a day to fit everything in. Twenty-four hours just doesn’t work anymore. When you try to figure an entire day that includes work schedules, school schedules, extracurricular schedules, commute times, meal times, etc. it gets overwhelming. Days and events that mean something special to us may get half of the attention they deserve - because there just isn’t enough time for everything. It’s sad to think that’s the case for many families, especially when those special days, times or events only come around once. Maternity and newborn photography, for example, falls into this category. Mothers are going through a particular pregnancy ONE TIME and their newborns are only true newborns ONE TIME. This is why timing is so critical in capturing the moments that will come and go like a breeze. Glen Carbon, Illinois maternity and newborn photographer Conner James Photography will beautifully snap up these precious times that you’ll have only once.

Pregnant woman poses with her husband on black background in multiple poses. Image is a collage.

When you’re pregnant, so many things are running through your mind and maternity photos may not be a priority. Though, it should be. You may not realize it until after the time has passed, but being pregnant - those 40 weeks - pass by so quickly. The importance of capturing the precious love and beauty you will experience is something you don’t want to miss out on. Edwardsville, Illinois newborn photographer Conner James Photography suggests getting on her schedule for your maternity photos around your twelfth week. You can book your session on her website at . “I’ve seen it all too often,” says owner and photographer Christine Loomas. “So many of my mama’s get that pregnancy brain and they get consumed with this and that. Next thing they know, they’re 36, 37, 38 weeks pregnant and wanting maternity photos that we just can’t make happen.” One of the great things about maternity and newborn photographer Conner James Photography is that Christine works WITH you, not against you. She encourages clients to book their sessions early to ensure they get on her schedule. But if you need to move your date around for any reason, Christine will go  to any length (even change her own schedule) to make sure you get the photos you want and deserve to have.

Once you welcome your newborn, the pregnancy brain is gone and new mama overload has kicked in. But this time now is also one you don’t want to lose. “Most of my mama’s book me for their newborn photos at the same time they schedule their maternity photos,” says Christine. “As a mom myself, I can honestly say you don’t think about scheduling photos when you’re sitting in the hospital with your newborn. It’s best to get everything on the books months ahead of time so you know you’ll get these once-in-a-lifetime moments caught on camera.”

The precious first few days of motherhood will pass you by so quickly. Don’t let them go unnoticed and uncaptured. Let Christine Loomas of Conner James Photography freeze this time for you. With her home-studio centrally located - just a stone's-throw from Maryville, Troy and Collinsville, Illinois - you don’t have to worry about making a drive across the river for beautiful, affordable newborn photos. Make one phone call and two bookings early in your pregnancy so you don’t need to worry about it later. Take the precious moments you have with your baby and enjoy them because when you blink, they’ll be gone.

Outgoing Links:

  1. [Book Now Webpage](

  2. [Edwardsville IL & Glen Carbon IL Chamber of Commerence](

  3. [Professional Photographers of America](

  4. [Glen Carbon Centennial Library](

Your newborn's safety should be the only prioirty

“During my sessions, I tell you what poses I am doing and how I am taking precautions to make sure your newborn is safe. I do this because most parents, who are not photographers, do not really know that there are actual newborn poses versus laying a baby on a their back or in a basket.”

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Why I became a Photographer!

Do you ever feel like there are never enough hours in the day to get things done? These last couple of weeks have been busy for me. I’ve been working my other job and still photographing on the weekends. Homework is also taking over my life too. Ha ha! 

No matter how busy I am, I still love my job photographing newborns and being behind the camera. I am greatly honored to be able to help families create memories that will last forever. My photography is my passion. I do my photography not just for the money, but for my son, Conner James. He is my reason I started my photography. 

Conner James passed away very suddenly at almost 3 months old while I was on vacation. His passing was very sudden. He was my second child. At the time, I had two children. Jordynne was 1 year old and Conner who was almost 3 months. I was a new mom of two, trying to buy a house. 

When Conner was born, we were still searching for a new house. We had brought him home to our old house and a month later we moved to a apartment. We couldn’t really afford newborn pictures. We had two kids in diapers, buying formula, and trying to save money for the new move. It was also hard to afford the hospital photos. 

When Jordynne was born we bought the hospital photos. We paid over $400.00 for the photos. The photos took a month to arrive at our door. When we received them, we notice that we didn’t order enough as we have a big family. We had to order more spending another $150.00 and waiting another month and half to receive them. The photos themselves we good quality but the posing of Jordynne we weren’t really happy with. But we were new parents and didn’t know any better.  

When we had Conner and with the anticipation of the move we decided to go a different route for newborn photos. We choose Walmart Picture Me Studios. They had a special going on for a package so we decided we would just go with them. A mistake I have regretted for years. After Conner passed, those photos are all I have left from when he was a newborn. 

I have some other photos I took of him while we were at home, and some at the hospital but not much else. I know we were busy with the move and taking care of two kids but now I wish and long for more photos of my little boy. He was a very sweet boy who loved to cuddle and be held. If you are a client, most likely I have told you what happened to him. I wouldn’t wish this for any mother. It will be 10 years this year since Conner has passed and my regret for the newborn photos still remains the same. 

I started my photography for my son, and for other families like mine who couldn’t possibly afford the price of $200 - $1000’s, that it could cost. For the new families just starting and for the families going through financial hardships, that they may have newborn photos done by someone who specializes in the field, creating special memories that they will cherish, and by someone who cares about their family. 


When & Why to book your Newborn Session?

When should you book your newborn session?
I say as soon as possible! Don't wait to long! I know I personally have had to turn away clients who inquired about a newborn session, but had waited to long to book and I was already fully booked. Newborn Photographers usually only take a limited number of Newborn Sessions a month to ensure their complete focus and to make sure they will have a session spot for you. Booking early can help in a lot of ways.

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Baby Kendall models in the Studio!

Hey Beautiful, Did you see the gorgeous baby I recently had in the studio? I was looking for a newborn model to help me with a project for my newborn mentoring. A woman named, Page answered my ad and said that she just had a baby girl on January 4th and would like the opportunity to have her newborn model. 

We chatted and figured out the details. The session was on January 12th in the afternoon. I was so happy to meet baby Kendall. She was so sweet & the perfect model! I asked Page, Kendall's mom, how she felt when she first met Kendall and she said "Amazed! I was in pure awe with my Kendall & with myself for being a Goddess! We rocked that delivery room!" Guess what? They did! Page deliver baby Kendall in 4 hours! That is amazing!  

Baby Kendall helped me to create 5 Newborn wrapping videos! After the videos we continued her newborn session. Kendall's nursery color scheme is pink, grey, & neutrals.  I definitely gave her the princess treatment. ❤️

Page & Dylan, Kendall's mom and dad, got to choose items from my studio to use in their newborn session. Kendall looked amazing in every thing but the Kitty bonnet was extra special because Daddy & Mommy have two kitty fur babies as well!  

The advice Page said she would give to someone who is looking to get newborn portraits photographed is "Christine is a baby whisper! Come here! I'm so impressed with how she handled, fed, soothed my baby so confidently. Page's favorite part about our session together was my gentleness with her newborn and how I took my time with her session. I like to make sure I have everything just right, after all these are your portraits to cherish forever! 

 Thank you so much Page, Dylan and Kendall!  It was so nice to meet you! You are one beautiful family & I wish you guys the best in the future! 


Sweet Josiah

When I ask Josiah mom and dad what was their favorite part about our session together they said "Watching Christine put the props on Josiah and being impressed because he is not wake up". I think it's more so because Josiah, knew it was time to turn on the charm! He definitely won me over within the  first 5 minutes of his newborn session. 

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