Behind The Scenes of a Newborn Photo Session with Edwardsville IL Photographer Conner James Photography

Your newborn has arrived! While you’re in the midst of this precious bliss, you’ve scheduled your newborn and family photos with Edwardsville IL photographer Conner James Photography. Hooray for super mom! Not only did you make it a point to capture this beautiful milestone, but you chose one of, if not the best baby photographer for miles around. And what you’ve seen thus far, is simply the calendar for your session - the front page, so to speak - of your appointment. But once you and your family get into the studio, a whole new world will open up before your eyes. Keep reading to see what we mean by this.

This newborn and/or family photo session you’ve invested in might sound pretty simple. It’s just a person snapping some shots on a fancy camera, right? Well, sort of - but not really. What about the rest? What about all the other “stuff” that makes these family milestone photos possible? The “behind-the-scenes” efforts? With Glen Carbon photographer Conner James Photography, you’re in for a real treat in terms of great, professional newborn photography.

Each newborn session is staffed with an assistant to Christine of Conner James Photography. They too are mothers so it’s nice to have another mom around during your time behind the camera. Their main purpose? To serve as another hand in the studio and make sure each newborn is safe at all times. If you didn’t already know, Christine is triple certified in newborn posing and safety. She takes this part of her job very seriously and so do her assistants. During your session you’ll likely hear Christine tell her assistant to “spot” or to “keep eyes on the baby” etc. So rest assured, when you come to Conner James in Glen Carbon, Illinois, your family will receive the best and safest photo experience possible.

You’ll notice upon arrival that Christine’s studio is prepped and ready for your individualized session. She thoroughly studies each questionnaire the family submits prior to their photos to ensure studio time is spent wisely. From past customer feedback, it seems like a two-hour newborn and family photo session is done in the blink of an eye. Christine manages to capture the beauty of a new and growing family, with siblings and of course, the newborn as the star - without any major hiccups. While preparation does go into each photo session, Christine will often fly on a whim and change things up as she goes. From this backdrop, to that setup and every prop in between, she uses a combination of what each family hopes to receive and what she knows will reflect precious beauty.

So when you’re looking for a baby photographer that’s a true, safe, certified professional, look no further than Conner James Photography in Edwardsville, Illinois. Christine is published, she’s award-winning and she can guarantee the best of the best in setups, props, studio environment and above all, newborn safety. And one of the best parts is that you’ll watch it all unfold behind the scenes. From entering the studio, to watching Christine and her assistant smoothly transition from setup to setup, to the awe-inspiring finished product. You’ll never want to choose another photographer after you spend two-hours in the Conner James studio. To book a session please reach out or visit her website. (

Outgoing Links:

1.[Collinsville, IL Chambers of Commerce](

2.[Book Now Webpage](

3.[T&C Ultrasound](

4.[Ana Brandt Education](

5.[Edwardsville Neighbors](

6.[Once Upon A Child Edwardsville](

7.[Edwardsville Children’s Museum](